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Information and Guidelines on Submission of Manuscripts

1.All submitted manuscripts are subject for review by our Publication Committee which normally takes from two to three months.

2.Manuscripts to be submitted should be the final version. No extensive rewriting shall be allowed after the committee’s approval; otherwise, preliminary approval shall be rescinded.

3.Encode the material in short bond paper using MS Word, double-spaced, 12 Pts. Times New Roman, with margins 1 ½” left side, and 1” on right, top, and bottom of page for easy reading and editing purposes.

4.The manuscript should be accompanied by the following where these apply: Foreword, Preface, Acknowledgments, Dedication, Table of Contents, Notes, Bibliography, Index, Glossary, Tables, Maps, and Pictures. Notes must be listed chronologically in one section, not footnotes.

5.All pages should be paginated in consecutive order.

6.Spiral-bound hard copy and CD file of the manuscript are required.

7.Submit a one-page abstract of the manuscript along with the description of its importance or relevance, its target audience, and possible markets, including potential tie-ups with any partner organization or sponsor.

8.Submit author’s bio-data or profile (narrative format, 2 to 3 paragraphs) and close-up photo, author’s full address, and contact numbers.

9.The manuscript must be exclusively submitted to New Day without any pending approval by another publishing house or organization for publication.

10.All borrowed materials cited in the book must have formal permission from original source. Photocopy of such permission must accompany the material.

11.Mail the manuscript with your letter of proposal to the executive director, Mrs. Bezalie Bautista Uc-Kung. 

12.Unsolicited manuscripts not approved for publication shall not be mailed or delivered back to the author, but they may be picked up from the New Day office upon prior notice.

13.Approved manuscripts are forwarded to the Production and Editorial Department for the editing, production, and printing stages, and authors are advised to directly communicate with them for any matters pertaining to their work.